March 31, 2016


Where does time go? I am completely embarrassed in the fact that I have only posted two times this school year. Time has completely flown and with only 36 school days left it seems almost silly to even post this now. However, as teachers we adapt, regroup, pick ourselves up, and move on. So even if this little blog is just a place for me to organize my thoughts, ideas, plans, and creations, I will pledge to try and start anew. We tell our students that it's never too late and to not give up on anything and I hope to prove that to myself. I think one of our problems as educators (and I know for certain this pertains to me) is we take on too much. We always tend to say "yes" or "sure, I can do that" on a daily basis. Projects pile up - dreams become forgotten. It is so important, though, for us to have a self realization of this and reflect on the things we HAVE accomplished once the day is done. As I look back over this school year, I have taken on too much. But the choice was mine. And I don't regret it. I have grown as a media specialist through all my crazy hats that adorned my head this year and hope that my students benefited and learned from this years programs and lessons. In time, I hope to share all of my ideas, trials (and errors), lessons, creativity, and failures with all of you. But for now, baby steps.

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